Saturday, January 19, 2013

Weekend Recommendation

If you are at all familiar with the popular paleo blogs you are probably aware of who Gary Taubes is.  While I had been familiar with other low carbohydrate literature before reading this book, this book changed my life.  It is a long book and will take you some time to get through but it is definitely need- to-know information.  


  1. Gary Taubes' first book "Good Calories, Bad Calories," despite being about the size (or so it seems) of "War and Peace" (!) was SUCH an eye opener that when I finished it, I immediately turned to the front and read it again. Worth the second read too. Changed my life.

    1. I wish I would have read it a couple times as well. I borrowed my copy from the library. I wish I was rich enough to buy a bunch of copies and hand them out like dinner mints.

    2. Exactly how I feel!
